Discrimination, Freedom of Expression and Freedom of the Press are fundaments rights regulated both by national legislation and by international normative acts.
Although it occupies an important place in the hierarchy of the rights of a person, there are few cases of discrimination or impairment of a person’s honor, dignity, prestige and reputation.
With regard to Discrimination cases, our team offers Legal Advice, Assistance and / or Representation to promote complaints to the National Council for Combating Discrimination or directly to the court.
Our services are also available if you are charged with discriminatory behavior, you are being sued or you are being sued at the National Council for Combating Discrimination.
With respect to the causes of the honor, dignity, prestige, and reputation of a person, our team provides Legal, Assistance and / or Representation for the purpose of analyzing the facts, formulating and supporting the action before the competent court.
- 5000 euro is the amount earned for our customer STOICA | Lawyers, as a matter of moral damages, for the attainment of honor, dignity and reputation by a national publication which has repeatedly provided false and offensive and defamatory news about it in the print media and on its website .